During the fifth gathering of Ukrainian Feminist Kitchen speakers from Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, along with participants from Ukraine discussed what they have learned from the experiences of wars and how it reshaped their views and activist vision. While listening to the intensive discussion, we invite you to draw under  the guidance of Victoria, our artist.

Here are some quotes to encourage you to watch the recording:

–         I’m from the region which was made mostly of Russian speaking in 60-s. And for me it was not the issue at all. With full scale invasion it appeared to me very important to connect with the public in a proper language which is not Russian. Maryna Marinichenko

–        In many cases locals wanted to call it “war” , because “an escalation” is, let’s say, “a normal situation, but “the war” is something new, and there’s a responsible side.   Knarik Mkrtchyan

–        Each side uses the words that are more acceptable for them. But we as activists are trying to see the whole problem beyond those words. Liza Matevosyan

–        Something that is now in our mind is just to leave Russian decolonization to Russians, to local activists, to the nations inside Russian Federation which are trying to build their local resistance. Maryna Marinichenko

Enjoy watching!

Collage of works by the participants of the meeting, made by Viktoriia Cherniakhivska