On December 14-15 and 20-21, a four-day training session, “From Dreams to Action: Your Path to Activism”, took place. The beginning of any training is always a special moment—it’s a time for introductions and first impressions. Participants from diverse backgrounds quickly discovered common ground: shared experiences, interests, and reactions to the challenges and injustices women face in our society. Age, status, or profession didn’t matter here—what united everyone was the collective desire to explore activism and seek paths for meaningful change.

Day 1: Reflection and Motivation

The first day was dedicated to reflection. Participants shared their expectations for the training, their personal activism journeys, and the motivations driving them to engage in social initiatives. The day concluded with a motivational session that helped everyone see themselves as leaders, recognize their current life stage, and identify directions for achieving desired changes. We also explored barriers to effective action and strategies for overcoming them.

Day 2: Addressing Stereotypes and Developing Skills

The second day focused on tackling stereotypes and biases that accompany us in life. Participants discussed their personal experiences, brainstormed solutions to pressing issues, and worked on refining their ideas.

A special highlight of the day was a public speaking session. The ability to command one’s voice, articulate thoughts with confidence, and persuade is essential for activists. The session was interactive and dynamic, allowing each participant to discover new ways to express themselves effectively.

Days 3-4: Project Management and Artistic Practices

The final days of the training brought new insights and inspiration. We explored grant opportunities, how to find them, develop project ideas, and manage resources effectively. Participants learned the fundamentals of project management and received practical advice on creating initiatives aimed at driving positive societal changes.

We also delved into the role of artistic practices in civic activism. Through real examples of actions against gender discrimination, we analyzed creative approaches that make activist projects more visible and impactful.

Practice and Role-Playing Games

The last day was a hands-on workshop. Participants simulated real-life scenarios that activists often encounter, exploring solutions through activism. Role-playing games allowed them to view activism from various perspectives and boosted their confidence in tackling challenges.


These four days were filled with inspiration, new knowledge, and mutual support. Participants found like-minded individuals, realized their power to transform society, and gained tools to take action.

We thank each of you for your energy, ideas, and courage to act! Ahead lies a future of new projects, achievements, and milestones. Together, we can do so much more! 💛

*We held a 4-day training “From Dreams to Action: Your Path to Activism” as part of the project “EmpowerAct: Women’s Activism Training Program” with the financial support of the Council of Europe, which is implemented by the NGO Feminist Workshop. The content of this event is the sole responsibility of the Feminist Workshop NGO and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Council of Europe.