WHAT:  Feminist English Speaking Club: Conflicts
WHERE: Feminist Workshop – Rynok square 42 (entrance from the courtyard)
WHEN: December 5, 20:00

Conflict is inevitable in our everyday life. Everyone has experienced some form of conflict, either internal or external. 

Internal conflicts are associated with mix of emotions people experience which may lead to misunderstanding to certain subjects. When the conflict affects the surroundings, the conflict may become harder to resolve. These conflicts may include:social conflicts, family conflicts and racisms. 

Through interactive activities we will analyse different types of conflicts and discuss the impact they have for different people. Moreover, in groups we will discuss about conflict we have faced or still experience in our life and reflect on how we can transform them.

Topics are discussed in a relaxed and happy environment and we welcome people of all genders to join. We want the speaking club to be LGBTQ and female friendly, so any form of intolerant speech is not acceptable.

The workshop is led by Valentina Aslani, a human rights project officer from Italy who worked in the field of women’s rights both in the United Kingdom and India.

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