WHAT:  English Speaking Club: HOLIDAYS & SELF CARE
WHERE: Feminist Workshop – Rynok square 42 (entrance from the courtyard)

WHEN: January 16 at 20:00

Once the craziness of holiday-preparation gets underway, it’s hard to take time out to care for ourselves. We’re often so focused on taking care of others that our own self-care falls short. During this week’s meeting we will give some tips for how to put yourself first during holiday season and participants will be encouraged to share their favorite ideas for prioritizing self-care.

As many people believe that it is easy to feel lost or overwhelmed during the holiday season, we will discuss alternative ways to celebrate and relax during the holidays….. and how to recover after the celebrations! 

Topics are discussed in a relaxed and happy environment and we welcome people of all genders to join. We want the English club to be LGBTQ and female friendly, so any form of intolerant speech is not acceptable.

The workshop is led by Valentina Aslani, a human rights project officer from Italy who worked in the field of women’s rights both in the United Kingdom and India.

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Cover: Lea Maupetit